Oct 25, 2017
You have the power to make or break your day…your week…your entire LIFE!!!!
Your thoughts create the reality you see around you, and, in this world governed by the Law Of Attraction, what is “like” attracts “like”.
Thus, your state of mind, your “attitude” at every given point in your waking day is of utmost importance. If your outlook is positive, and you are thinking uplifting, life-affirming thoughts, that’s exactly how you’ll perceive what’s going on around you. More and more positive will be attracted to you.
Conversely, negative shame and blame just brings on more of the same. All the information you take in, along with all your subsequent actions and reactions, and all the decisions you make; it’s all colored by your current state of mind.
As the amazing salesman and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”
So, when that obnoxious driver cuts you off first thing in the morning, do you let him make your day better or worse? If you react to his rudeness by responding with vulgar hand signals that will embarrass you in retrospect, that sends your day in the wrong direction.
Imagine if you simply responded to his rudeness, instead, by calmly thinking, “WOW, I am so glad I am not like that!” When you continue on driving, according to the traffic rules, knowing you will end up safe and sound at your destination, then you are reacting in a positive, enlightened way that will ultimately result in you enjoying a better day. Another example of “like”, once again, attracting more of the same.