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preferredclientservices's podcast

Oct 23, 2017

As a business owner, do you feel annoyingly powerless when your bookkeeper complains about the shortcomings of slow and ponderous Sage, compared to the aptly named QUICKBooks?

Thanks to Beverley Goodall of Evolution Business and Tax Advisors LLP, you can now impress your beloved bookkeeper with your program prowess, as you communicate with her in fluent “techno-numberspeak” while passing on these “sage”, time-saving tips.

Warning: the following content may cause comas in some listeners. Refrain from listening to this while operating heavy machinery.

Ready? Here we go!

Struggling to visually make out which line is which on Sage?

Why feel old before your time?

Add some colour on alternate lines to all your modules to make things easier to see!

- Go to Tools
- Go to Options
- Click Colours tab
- Click box to right hand side of module name and go crazy with the colours!
- Click ok to save.

Just beware some are quite bright!

Want to close all your Sage screens down in one go?

-Press Ctrl + Alt + Q

while chanting, “Abracadabra!”

Sick of seeing the “welcome page” EVERY TIME on start up?

- Go to Tools
- Go to Options
- Click View tab
- Go to Global settings at bottom of the box - from here you can place a tick in the box to remove that unwelcome “welcome page”.

From here you can also set how you would like your opening page on Customers, Suppliers & Bank etc. and turn off all dashboards and process maps

Why not use the "Lock Date" function to stop back posting into prior periods?

- Go to Settings
- Go to Lock Date
- Tick box and enter cut-off date for posting
- This will now prompt a message each time you try and post in the period that has been locked, and users without the manager logon will be denied access.

Are you still awake?

The point is you don’t have to passively put up with the perils of your accounting program whether it’s SAGE, or just plain foolish.

Use these shortcuts and take command!