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preferredclientservices's podcast

Jun 29, 2017

Time is Money

You don’t want to waste either fruitlessly searching for that crucial document that should be there when you need it, but, alas is not. Never again.  Keep your paperwork under control before it becomes overwhelming.

Create a pending file for urgent, important items that need to be done at specific times...

Jun 29, 2017 be or not to be?

That is certainly the burning question when you are currently a sole proprietor dreaming of making it big. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of paying an outrageous fortune to lawyers and accountants.

Why just getting a “notice to reader,” the...

Jun 29, 2017

Are You Afraid Of Fraud?

Well, these days, you should be! There are scads of scams, schemes, and swindles being reported and it’s not just the gullible, gentle geriatrics that are being deceived such as the poor dears, trying to use their portable phone to turn up the TV. 

No, on the business scene, sadly, it’s the...

Jun 20, 2017

Running a business is akin to that circus act where the performer runs around madly trying to keep all the plates spinning on top of their respective sticks. One ill-timed moment of hesitation or inattention, the plates can all come crashing to the ground.  

Things can start falling apart in your business as well,...

Jun 19, 2017

One of the most difficult aspects of being your own boss is holding firm to the self-imposed self-discipline it takes to get the job done every day. The more productive you are, the better your business bottom line so how to keep alert, effective and energized when you know, if you wanted to you could just go back...