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preferredclientservices's podcast

May 31, 2017

Stand Up For Statements!


Let’s hear it for Monthly Statements! Yes, I admit I’m a big fan. The truth is, for your business to become significantly successful, you need to maintain a high level of meticulous organization when it comes to your financials.

In keeping with this - statements are your friends! 


May 30, 2017


“Never take your eyes off the cash flow because it's the life blood of business.”


Sage advice from the brilliant Richard Branson. Yes,

Consistent cash flow is certainly something worth attaining AND MAINTAINING on a regular basis and yet so many busy entrepreneurs don’t take the time to routinely review their...

May 29, 2017

Expenses a Pain in the ASSet


Many times, I have responded to business owners’ concerns over inconsistencies in their balance sheet and thus their profit and loss statement, or their income statement, as it’s often called, as well.

One reporting period their business will show a healthy profit and then suddenly...

May 26, 2017

Put Profits Out of Your Reach

Day after day you do your best out there toiling away in the front line trenches of the business battlefield. Dedicated, diligent, determined, you lead the troupes to victory time and time again.

You’ve done your part. So When do you get to take home those spoils of war? I am talking...

May 24, 2017

The Anatomy of An Effective Invoice

Your company invoice. 

It’s the key to you getting paid… on time,… in the right way,… in the right amount,… again and again and again

Thus the formatting and the wording of your invoice is absolutely vital to your business success! 

First of all, you are going to want to...