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preferredclientservices's podcast

Nov 16, 2017

Grow your company by growing your people.

Develop good people through good recruitment!

When Vince Lombardi was asked how he managed to win so many championships, he told them he had winning players.

Watch your people and make sure they are in the right career position. Find their strengths, discover their passions, and...

Nov 15, 2017

Thursday, Sept. 28/ 2017 will be Good Neighbor Day in the US, where it is actually a national holiday, originating back in the early 1970’s, thanks to the enterprising Becky Mattson, of Lakeside, Montana, who wanted a day set aside to celebrate the importance of maintaining a close-knit community.

On September 22,...

Nov 14, 2017

I think you’ll agree that Steve Jobs knew a little bit about effectively running a business. Here are his 10 Rules For Success

Don’t live a limited life, according to other people’s thinking. Don’t let their opinions drown out your inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition.


Nov 13, 2017

Behavioral investigator and best-selling author, Vanessa Van Edwards cites five ways to make yourself the most memorable person in the room.

Embrace your imperfections: Charismatic people are not perfect, but they’re confident in who they are and comfortable in their own skin. They know they have their flaws, and they...

Oct 31, 2017

In the beginning, there were numbers. Then Luca Pacioli of Florence, said, “Well, let’s add them up!”, and so it came to pass that Double Entry Bookkeeping was created, and Pacioli, born in 1447, became known, in Europe, as "The Father of Accounting and Bookkeeping", publishing the first work there ever on...